Financial Hardships
Financial Hardships
It is the responsibility of district and school staff to adequately communicate to parents information concerning financial hardship guidelines in reference to the St. Charles Parish School Board Uniform Policy.
In many cases, school uniforms are less expensive than the clothing that students typically wear to school. None the less, the cost of purchasing a uniform may be a burden on some families. Examples of the types of assistance that could be provided follows:
community and business leaders provide uniforms or contribute financial support for uniforms school parents/PTAs work together to make uniforms available for economically disadvantaged students used uniforms from graduates are made available to incoming students.
No student will be denied attendance at school, penalized, or otherwise subject to compliance measures for failing to wear a uniform by reason of financial hardship. The principal will establish a committee to assist those families in need.
Parents of students who cannot afford uniforms should complete a Uniform Policy Application and submit to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance. A request for financial assistance must be made within five (5) school days from the start of the school session or from the date that the student is initially enrolled in a district school.
The District Uniform Oversight Committee (members appointed by the Superintendent) will review the se applications and, if appropriate, issue a voucher for the appropriate school uniform. No money is to exchange hands and school funds cannot be used.