Child Nutrition
I would like to thank you for continuing to allow us to provide your kids with tasty and nutritious meals. Once again, this year ALL students attending St. Charles Parish Public Schools can receive one FREE breakfast and one FREE lunch without having to complete a Free/Reduced price application. The entire district will once again be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year.
Since good nutrition is so important for growing bodies and learning minds, we encourage your child to take part in our breakfast and lunch programs on a regular basis. The Child Nutrition Department is made up of a team of skilled food and nutrition professionals who are dedicated to each student’s well-being and their ability to learn.
We encourage students, parents, community members, and staff to check the monthly menus that are posted on the District’s website. Our menus offer a variety of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low fat or reduced fat entrées, and low fat or skim milk choices. Our menus are designed to meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as well as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations.
Many of our students have already had the opportunity to participate in our Student Engagement Programs. The goal of these programs is to collaborate with our students to make meals that they want to eat and that fit the nutritional guidelines. These programs include:
- Student Focus and Taste Test Groups – students at all grade levels participate in taste tests as an opportunity to have their voices heard on select new menu items for the upcoming school year. Due to our students’ feedback, this school year we will be offering a new burger patty and a breakfast pizza that was tested and voted on last school year.
- The NEXT program provides 2nd grade students with an opportunity to learn about the meals they eat at school, tour their school’s kitchen, create a healthy snack, and learn about nutrition.
- The Culinary Cook Off is designed to engage the Culinary Arts students at the Satellite Center to create new recipes!
- Eat on the Beat is a partnership with St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office which will provide on-duty officers with an opportunity to eat lunch with our elementary students.
Parents, please encourage your child to eat breakfast and lunch in our cafeterias every day. This will not only improve their health, but also their classroom performance. We look forward to serving your child!
Warmest Regards,
Jenny DeRoche, RDN, LDN
Director of Child Nutrition