Physical Plant Maintenance


    The mission of the maintenance department is to create a learning environment that is both modern and engaging, ultimately assisting all schools to provide an atmosphere conducive to our core business of teaching and learning.


    The vision of the maintenance department is to strive to continuously improve the learning environment of our schools. By promoting the design, construction, and maintenance of environmentally friendly schools, we will: impact student health, reduce consumption of natural resources, and utilize modern equipment and programs. This approach will result in increased student performance and greater customer satisfaction. It is our commitment, through dedication and team-work, that we will accomplish our mission. Our future accomplishments will directly benefit the students, school district, and citizens of St. Charles Parish.


    • School Dude

    School Dude is an online work management tool that streamlines the maintenance department’s work orders from initiation to completion.

    • Utility Direct

    Utility Direct is a software package that tracks all utility data regarding energy consumption and water and gas usage in order to pursue cost saving measures.

    • Climate Control

    Climate control allows the maintenance department to manage the air conditioning and heating systems, as well as, diagnosis problems in the schools through a computer generated program.


    Please contact us with your concerns at