District Dress Code

  • Any apparel should be worn as designed. All students are expected to conform to the official dress code guidelines below at school and on the school bus during regular school hours (includes bus transportation to and from school):

    • Shirt - collared white or designated school color shirt. ( Elementary students may wear official school spirit shirts as designated by the school.)
    • Pants/Shorts - navy or khaki. Shorts– no shorter than two inches above the top of the kneecap. (Girls may also wear skirts, skorts, and jumpers.) As a guide, pants/shorts cannot be worn lower than 2” below the navel.
    • ID Card - Middle & high school students must wear appropriately, as designed.

    Dress Code

    Guidelines to Dress for Success:

    • If pants have belt loops, a belt must be worn.
    • Pants/shorts cannot be worn lower than 2 inches below the navel.
    • Shirts must remain appropriately buttoned as determined by the administrator. Middle/high school students must wear shirts tucked in pants.
    • Reasonably sized logos/labels which are not distracting are permitted. Pants must be solid navy or khaki with no trim or adornments.
    • Pants, skirts, shorts, jumpers and skorts must be hemmed. Side slits above the knee are not permitted.
    • Outerwear that does not open the length of the front by snapping, buttoning or zipping is not allowed. White or school designated colored sweatshirts and pullover sweaters may be worn over the uniform. No hooded clothing/apparel may be worn on campus during the school day.
    • White or school designated colored shirts may be worn under a uniform shirt or jumper.
    • Any prohibitive item, including clothing not meeting dress code, will be taken by school officials and returned to the parent or guardian.
    • Transfer students will be given 10 school days to conform to dress code guidelines.
    • Further rules and regulations concerning dress may be specified for special events, activities or field trips.
    • Footwear must have soles and restraints for the entire foot. Backless shoes are not allowed.
    • Special requirements will be placed on students in specific situations or classes for health and safety.

    Clothing and conduct that distract from and/or disrupt school operations and decorum are prohibited on the person and/or his or her belongings. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Visible underwear, tank tops, halter tops
    • See-through shorts/blouses
    • Bare shoulders, midriffs, sides and backs
    • Clothing with holes in them and frayed clothing
    • Jeans, denim material of any color, wind pants, sweat pants, cargo pants/shorts and overalls
    • Baggy, sagging or oversized clothes
    • Garments that are immodestly too small
    • Trench coats
    • Leggings/jeggings/biker shorts
    • Sunglasses
    • Bandannas, caps, hats, gloves, waist pouches, or hoods
    • Slogans or advertising of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs; satanic cult or gang-related symbols or paraphernalia; profane, obscene, or sexually-oriented language on clothing or body
    • Ornate or cumbersome jewelry
    • Clothing that is shorter than two inches above the top of the kneecap
    • Graffiti on school apparel, including but not limited to school bags, purses, etc.

    Students assigned to the Eual J. Landry, Sr. Educational Programs Center will be required to comply with the dress code that is detailed in the Landry Handbooks.

    Each principal shall make the final decision as to what is appropriate. Situations arise in some schools requiring special rules. Check the school handbook dress code.