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IEP  (Individualized Education Program)

The IEP is a written contract which enables your child to receive needed special education and related services and ensures that your child is provided appropriate special education and related services.

The IEP is a document which is designed to be used by the student's teachers (including therapists) to determine whether your child is actually receiving the free appropriate public education agreed upon by you and the school.

The IEP process provides an opportunity for resolving any differences between you and the school system concerning your child's special education needs.

The IEP serves as a way to evaluate your child's progress in meeting the projected goals.

ITP (Individualized Transition Plan)

The ITP, a written plan attached to the IEP, contains the activities ( adult transition services) your child needs to help him/her to make an easy transition from school into adult life.

The ITP ensures that your child will receive appropriate services necessary to assist him or her function as independently in future adult life as possible.  It also serves to link your child with adult agencies.

The ITP is discussed at a meeting prior to the IEP meeting.  The meeting is attended by your child, family members, school personnel, and any appropriate adult agencies which may be responsible for providing transition services.

The ITP is a planning document which attempts to design an adult life for your child.  It works through the specific goals and objectives on the IEP.  These may include services in supported employment, vocational preparation, independent living, and any other daily living skills.