Qualifying For Services
How does a student qualify for gifted services in St. Charles Parish Public Schools?
- A parent/guardian, teacher, or other school personnel suspects a student might be gifted and refers the student to the SBLC chairperson at the student’s school.
- An initial screening is conducted. If it is determined that the student should continue with further assessment, a school designee administers an aptitude assessment. The score from this aptitude assessment along with achievement evidence is considered by the SBLC.
- If it is determined that the student has passed the screening, the referral packet is completed and the student is scheduled to participate in the state level evaluation administered by SCPPS Pupil Appraisal.
How does a student qualify for talented art, talented theatre, or talented music in St. Charles Parish Public Schools?
- Someone observes the student demonstrating characteristics of unique talent in the visual arts and/or performing arts.
- Student and parent are questioned regarding their interest in being screened for the program. The student may then be screened.
- The student will be asked to prepare for the school based screening by either completing a portfolio (visual art), preparing a monologue, or preparing a piece for musical performance.
- If it is determined that the student passed the screening, the referral packet is completed and the student is scheduled to participate in the state level evaluation proctored by SCPPS and adjudicated by state level evaluators.