Gifted Programming
Gifted Programming
In the classroom…
Identified gifted students in grades kindergarten through second grade work with qualified and certified gifted teachers on enriching and extending their learning through engaging and diverse learning projects and experiences.
Starting in third grade and through sixth grade, gifted students are enrolled in a gifted math class with like peers and a gifted teacher. Our qualified student advocates have worked collaboratively to elevate and enhance the existing math curriculum to meet the needs of our gifted students. These students will also address some individualized and leveled English Language Arts goals while in these courses.
Once in seventh grade, the gifted curriculum for math and ELA is accelerated and our students are on a path to earn high school Carnegie Units at the completion of eighth grade. Seventh graders can enroll in Gifted Advanced Math 7 and Gifted Advanced ELA 7 which address 7th grade standards as well as some 8th grade standards. In eighth grade, our students have the opportunity to earn their high school credit for Algebra I and one Elective Credit for the English Literary Seminar Course.
High School gifted courses are offered at all levels for ELA and math and include Advanced Placement classes in a gifted setting.
Beyond the classroom…
St. Charles Parish Public Schools is proud to offer experiences outside of the classroom specifically designed for our gifted students.
Our youngest students participate in the annual Gifted Authors’ Event where students publish an anthology of their work. We have welcomed published authors and musicians to work with our students and share their journey.
The upper elementary students compete in a national math competition. St. Charles Parish is always represented at the highest level of national achievers. At this event, students have worked with professional artists to apply their math skills in a creative and artistic way.
Middle School students enjoy their enrichment day where activities include, but are not limited to: debate, math games, poetry, creative movement, STEAM projects, Makerspace, and more.