Gifted & Talented
Gifted & Talented
Students in St. Charles Parish Public Schools are eager to attend school where they are intellectually challenged in environments that are also supportive of their social/emotional needs. The school system continually assesses the congruence between students’ instructional needs and progress toward the district’s learner outcomes. For students who consistently exceed district expectations, a screening and evaluation process is used to identify students who meet state criteria for gifted* learners.
The gifted program serves as the bridge between the individual instructional needs and district expectations for learners. Gifted services engage regular and special education teachers, parents, and students in the development of cohesive programs that result in meaningful learning. To ensure continuity of learning, the program is vertically articulated for each student through a combination of enrichment (a more in-depth and challenging study of grade level requirements) and acceleration (increased pacing of instruction.)
The gifted program is administered and managed by a team of student advocates who are experts in curriculum development, instructional methodology, assessment, and child development. Ongoing staff development provides professionals with best practices in education.
Program evaluation is used for continuous improvement. Qualitative and quantitative measures provide information to determine student impact and to modify the program as needed.
Students are well prepared for their roles as life-long learners who are knowledgeable, competent persons, collaborative problem-solvers, involved citizens, critical thinkers, creative producers, and self-directed achievers.
*Children or youth who demonstrate abilities that give evidence of high performance in academic and intellectual aptitude.
Think your student may be gifted? Click here for a list of “typical” traits of giftedness.