Hahnville High School, home of the Tigers, was established in 1924 as an outgrowth of the original Hahnville Consolidated School. Led by Principal Jose Gonzales, the school is home to more than 1,400 students and 100 employees. It serves students in grades 9-12 from the westbank of St. Charles Parish.
Throughout its history, Hahnville High School has been heralded as a progressive and innovative school. Quoted in the local newspaper at its 1924 opening, the first Hahnville High School was “…modern in every respect and fully equipped.” In 2001, Family PC Magazine named Hahnville High School as “one of the top 100 most wired schools in the nation” in its efforts to integrate state-of-the-art technology in the educational opportunities provided for students. With the support of a dynamic community which has placed education as a priority, we have been able to continually improve to reflect the ever-changing needs of the community by providing students with the best resources and educational experiences possible. With graduates spanning the globe, we will continue to equip students with the tools necessary to shape a community, state, country, and world.
Follow us on Twitter through the official school account @HahnvilleHigh and our athletic programs through @hahnvillesports. Several of our clubs and sports teams also have individual Twitter accounts.